As an avid collector of robots it was a dream come true for Jonathan Mizzi to be approached with a robot project. Mizzi Studio were asked by Hirsch & Mann to develop the body of a robot for a collaboration with Saatchi & Saatchi, RoboSavvy and WEIR + WONG for Mattessons. Naturally, we accepted. FRHANK (Fridge Raiders Hunger Automation Nutritional Kit), is an artificial intelligent gaming robot, who from October 2014 to May 2015, lived with the popular video game Youtube Vlogger Ali-A. He worked with his community to nurture F.R.H.A.N.K. into the ultimate snacking and gaming buddy.
Working closely with Hirsch & Mann, Mizzi Studio designed and developed the armour and head of the robot. The design requirement was clear – we had to dial up to 11 on the “bad-ass” scale, whilst still bringing in babe-in-the-woods influences a la ET and Terminator 2. Gesture designs drew heavily from the Italian codex, but we worked in some top-notch Yankee influence there too! In the end we created a robot which was sleek, modern, crafty – but also totally approachable.
During this seven-month period FRHANK hung out, played Call of Duty, learnt how to speak ‘gamer’, and served Fridge Raiders. Several videos produced incorporating the Ali-A and FRHANK , accumulated over 15 million views through Ali-A’s Youtube channel and micro-site. The community of Ali-A’s fans were continuously engaged in contributing to our robot’s evolution – meaning FRHANK continued to develop way past the moment he left our drawing board.
A.I Gaming Robot
Special project for Mattessons in 2014
Design, Visualisation, Construction Management
Hirsch & Mann, RoboSavvy, Weir + Wong, Saatchi & Saatchi